Kindred Community Guidelines

Kindred helps its members more intelligently and urgently close the gap between intent and action by providing access to a collaborative network of their peers, to renowned experts and training, and to the information, analysis, data, and research they need to make increasingly important decisions. We have established Community Guidelines to support our members throughout their journey. 

We have a bias toward action.

Each Assembly, Council, and interaction should uphold Kindred Community values and contribute to the Kindred mission. Our time spent together and our actions outside of the Kindred network reflect our commitment to driving transformation that will change the world. We don’t stay at the starting line.

We hold each other accountable. 

To drive real change, we must be accountable to ourselves and each other. We hone our communication skills and enhance our self-awareness to practice healthy collective support that drives goal attainment and fuels a lasting commitment to change. We strive together.

We are inclusive.

Kindred strives to be an anti-oppressive space. Members must reflect on their language, privilege, position, and prejudice to foster inclusion. Do not assume the identities or opinions of others, but rather ask respectfully. We welcome correction as an opportunity to learn and we speak out as necessary with grace. Put down your biases and engage with an open heart and mind. We pack light.

We collaborate for good.

The best Kindred is one where everyone contributes and supports each other. We are mindful that we each have limited capacity and we network, plan, and create with each other intentionally in pursuit of the mission: the advancement of an inclusive economy and society. We don’t travel alone.

We encourage one another.

Mistakes allow for room to grow. At Kindred, we foster an inclusive environment free of judgment and one where mistakes are learning opportunities. We encourage members to ask questions about what they do not know, feel free to give their ideas and opinions, and be confident that your fellow Kindred members are here with you.